Zelena hora Friends and Donors
We would like to thank to all donors who supprort us even with a small financial support necessary for restoration of the pilgrim church and the area of Zelená hora.
The Church of St Johm of Nepomuk at Zelena hora used to be and keeps beeing maintained with help of various forms of funding. Nevertheless, the amount of invested money is not sufficient for restorations providing at least the conservation of contemporary state so this significant monument of national heritage keeps falling into disrepair. The most urgent problems are as follows:
Immovable part:
Falling off internal plasters – emergency
Degradation of external plasters – emergency
Poor condition of window fillings – emergency
Poor condition of drainage systém – potentional danger
General maintenance of the object – danger of default
Moveable part:
Poor condition of the main altar decoration
Poor condition of the side altars decoration
Poor condition of benches
General maintenance of the moveable equipment
Restoration plan for 2015 covers especially renovation of the 1st floor interior: repairs of the wooden construction of ceilings and roof frame (remediation of emergency condition roof frame, soffit reconstruction back to its original state) and restoration of arch and wall plasters. The financial amount of the planned reconstruction is approx. 2,5 mil. CZK.
We will be very grateful to all donors and supporters for their support in 2015.
How can you support the renovation of the Church of St John of Nepomuk at Zelena hora?
1/ By cash with receipt certification in the seat of Roman Catholic Parish Žďár nad Sázavou II. We offer Gift Agreement for donations over 1 000 CZK which can be used to reduce your income tax.
2/ By postal order to the account number: 1622135369/0800. Recipient’s address: Římskokatolická farnost Žďár nad Sázavou II - Klášter, Zámek 2/2, 591 02 Žďár nad Sázavou.
3/ By direct payment to the account number: 1622135369/0800
All financial donations will be invested only for reconstruction and restoration work in the area of Zelena hora. The report of the use of the financial means from donors and supporters will be regularly piblished on website and will be sent by email or post to the donors who provide their contact.
The contact person for communication concerning sponsoring and financial support of The Church of St. John of Nepomuk and the pilgrim area of Zelena hora is:
Mgr. Vladimír Záleský, Parish priest and statutory of Catholic Parish Žďár nad Sázavou II - Klášter
Cell phone: + 420 607 736 851, e-mail: zalesky@biskupstvi.cz